Making Our First Purchase

Purchase is sending a C2B or charging a customer.

Now, let's add a route for making a purchase request:

app.get('/purchase', async (req, res) => {
    try {
        const chosenHandler: HandlerName = 'edahab';
        const handler = getPaymentHandler(chosenHandler)(paymentConfig[chosenHandler]!);
        const paymentInfo = await handler.purchase({
            accountNumber: "+2526512312341", // must start with `+` followed by country code
            amount: 500,
            currency: Currency.SLSH,
            description: "Test purchase",
            // for web handlers, you can optionally provide a return URL
            returnUrl: "", 
    } catch (e) {
        res.status(500).send("Internal Server Error");

It'll return the same response detail as from credit method PaymentInfo object:

  • transactionId

  • paymentStatus

  • referenceId

  • raw

Feel free to incorporate these details into your application's logic based on your specific use case and requirements.